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Roll Cages

Roll Cages

If you remember the classic TV show Dukes of Hazzard, you may remember cringing every time the General Lee went into a spin mode that would all but total the car when it landed. However, the occupants of the car remained relatively safe—and it wasn’t because Daisy Duke was cheering them on.

Rather, it was because the General Lee was outfitted with a roll cage that gave a car the necessary roof and the cabin support in case it went into a roll that could not be resolved.

240sx Roll Cages

240sx roll cages are some of the simplest auto components, but due to their construction and the purpose they serve, their role in vehicle safety is quite important. They can even save lives.

Almost no one plans to roll their carefully customized tuner vehicle, but there are certain occasions when a tuner car rounds a curve too sharply or is in a vehicle accident that causes it to roll. In fact, if you take your car onto the track, a roll cage is generally required equipment. In the event of a crash, having a roll cage and 240sx bash bar in place can reduce human injuries.

Enjuku Racing supplies dimple plates that come with pre-drilled holes for your convenience. We also offer weld-in roll cages for the Nissan 240sx.

If you’re lucky, you will never need the protection that a consummate roll bar system provides, but in the event that you do need it, the equipment could spare you from serious injuries or, worse yet, a fatality. Slick, wet inclines, zooming around curves, and dodging other cars can lead to rolls.

The Roll Cage Crowd

Unlike many components we sell, 240sx roll cages as well as 240sx bash bars for your front bumper aren’t viewed as necessities for 240 models that have been tuned up to offer improved performance. Rather, they serve as a safety mechanism that will help keep the body of your car from compressing during an auto accident, which makes it easier for EMTs to remove you from the wrecked vehicle.

No one plans to roll their carefully designed tuner car, but a 240sx roll cage will help keep you safe if you do.

Order a Roll Cage Today

Almost every modern vehicle has some type of roll cage installed. Often, the component is encased in the floor, ceiling, and doors of an automobile to help preserve the stylish looks of the interior. However, you can also have 240sx roll cages installed to make the inside of your vehicle look like a track car. The choice is yours.

Explore our online store, choose the roll cage components you need and order through our website, or call us toll-free at (888) SR20DET